RFP-2021-02: Livable Centers Initiative Major Plan Update (due 11/08/2021 at 3 p.m.)
The Lilburn Community Improvement District (LCID) is seeking proposals from firms experienced in local, regional, and statewide planning. The Scope of Services for the Livable Centers Initiative Major Plan Update is included in the bid package and provides information regarding the level of effort required, as well as specific tasks to be accomplished. The location of the project is generally defined as US Highway 29 (Lawrenceville Highway) from Ronald Reagan Parkway to Jimmy Carter Boulevard and Jimmy Carter Boulevard/Mountain Industrial Blvd from US Highway 29 to Britt Road. This Plan Update is for the US 29 Boulevard of Opportunity Plan funded by the CID in 2009 which was grandfathered into the LCI Program. The project limits for the Update extend beyond the 2009 Study.
The available funds for completion of the work will be $150,000. The LCID was awarded $120,000 from the Atlanta Regional Commission for this plan update. CID matching funds are available for a total project amount not-to-exceed $150,000.
LCID shall electronically receive proposals from interested consulting firms by no later than 3:00 PM on November 8th, 2021. Proposals shall not exceed 30 pages (8.5 x 11), inclusive of resumes and firm experience. Font size should be a minimum of 11 point in all cases. Please send technical proposals to Tad Leithead, Executive Director; mailto:[email protected] [email protected] and a copy Larry Kaiser; [email protected].
All questions regarding this RFP must be sent via email to Larry Kaiser; [email protected] and must be received electronically by no later than 5:00 p.m. on October 19th, 2021. The LCID will response to all questions (email only – no phone calls) and issue addenda (s) and/or “Response to Questions” by no later than October 22nd, 2021. All addenda or Response to Questions will be posted on the LCID web site by no later than 5:00 PM; October 25th, 2021. A Pre-proposal will not be held.
Addendum Nos.: 1
Date of Addendum Issuance: 10/6/2021
Addendum Subject: DBE Goal
The Lilburn Community Improvement District has issued Addendum #1. The addendum is to be
included in the RFP issued on 10/5/2021 and addressed in the submitted proposal.
The addendum is as follows:
The DBE goal for this project is 17.61%
View responses to bidder questions here.