Lilburn CID receives big SPLOST wins
Leaders of the Lilburn CID sought opportunities to address much-needed traffic and safety improvements through the support of Gwinnett’s special purpose local option sales tax (SPLOST) funding. After months of submitting project concept plans and need justifications to the county’s Citizens Project Selection Committee, the Gwinnett Board of Commissioners approved the CID’s requests along with other projects at their July 25 meeting.
The following approved projects represent a collective value in excess of $25 million. All of the improvements are funded partially through the county’s 2016 SPLOST along with funds from the Georgia DOT, City of Lilburn and CID. All projects were recommended for funding by the Citizens Project Selection Committee.
- Killian Hill Road: Widen Killian Hill from Arcado Road to Church Street to four or five lanes. Additional federal funding will be required.
- Highway 29 @ Jimmy Carter Boulevard: Add turn lanes at all sides of the intersection. Reconstruct affected commercial driveways, including a new signal and upgrades to the existing traffic signal. Additional state funding will be sought.
- Highway 29 @ Ronald Reagan Parkway: Relocate the southbound off ramp to improve sight distances, including enhanced striping and a new median opening on Highway 29 and associated turn lane near the off-ramp. These improvements will enhance vehicle safety while providing for better access to businesses.
- Pleasant Hill Road @ Ronald Reagan Parkway: Install new sidewalk and a pedestrian crossing at the on-ramp from Pleasant Hill Road, allowing pedestrians to access this area with greater safety.
- Highway 29 @ Rockbridge Road: Add a right-turn lane on Highway 29 eastbound at Rockbridge Road, allowing eastbound traffic on Highway 29 to turn right onto Rockbridge while avoiding through traffic on Highway 29 in the afternoon. This project has 100% funding from Georgia DOT.
- Highway 29 and Luxomni Road: Improve traffic safety at this location.
- Lilburn Industrial Way: Improvements to include reconstruction of the existing road to accommodate freight traffic, which includes proper intersection radii. Complete a signal study at the intersection of Killian Hill and Lilburn Industrial Way and install a traffic signal, if needed. Sidewalks will be included on one side of the road.
- Jimmy Carter Boulevard: Install intelligent traffic system upgrades.
In addition to these roadway improvements, the Citizens Project Selection Committee recommended funding the following sidewalk projects to enhance pedestrian access from residential to commercial areas:
- Jimmy Carter Boulevard: From Highway 29 to Club Parkway (1,900 feet of sidewalks).
- Rockbridge Road: From Dickens Road to Arrowind Road (3,100 feet of sidewalks).
- Indian Trail Road: From Hillcrest to Exchange Place (install 650 feet of sidewalks).
This is an exciting list of enhancements for the Lilburn CID, representing improvements over the next five years that will greatly enhance assets that make the CID a great place to do business. Sincere thanks to the citizens who gave of their time and talent to assess the transportation and pedestrian needs in our area.