June 2018 Update

A $900,000, two-mile installation of new sidewalks is being constructed along Lawrenceville Highway. The new stretch of sidewalks greatly improves the curb appeal and the safety of the area, and as a result, the Lilburn Alliance Church is seeing the impact.
“Thanks so much for the excellent work that is being done in front of our church to install new sidewalks. We have 2,000 homes right around the church. As a pastor, I want to love, care, serve and support the families that live in the homes. We regularly see people out walking around our church and in the parking lots. We love it! They are out enjoying God’s creation and getting good exercise. Now, because of the new sidewalks out in front of the church, the walkers will be able to enjoy a longer and safer walk right along Lawrenceville Hwy. Thanks so much for improving our community.” – Stephen Hartley, Lilburn Alliance Church