CID Giving Highway 29 a Facelift

The Lilburn CID is providing 100% of the funding to complete much-needed landscaping improvements at three key Highway 29 intersections. This corridor makeover will drastically improve and further define our CID. Look for future updates as we make progress on these and other projects.
Rockbridge Road & Indian Trail – This intersection was landscaped at all four corners in June. The CID has plans to complete the same level of landscaping at Indian Trail by late 2017. That make-over will include the four corners of the intersection. The grass median near Indian Trail and Burns Road will also receive a crepe myrtle tree canopy and additional small shrubs along with ground cover plantings.
Beaver Ruin – The CID will landscape all four corners of this intersection with plantings similar to the Rockbridge intersection in early 2018. Plantings at all of the intersections and the median will include (as appropriate) dwarf wax myrtles, pink knock-out roses, pink muhly grass, crape myrtles, Liriope, Yapon holly, fountain grass, Abelia, Walter’s viburnum, sweet shrub, serviceberry and Loropetalums.