The Lilburn Community Improvement District serves as an active catalyst to improve ALL local perceptions of attitude and appearance, as well as business opportunity in the Hwy 29 corridor and surrounding areas.
Creating and defining a clear sense of place and purpose will result in a strong sense of identity. This will increase loyalty and community enthusiasm. Commercial and economic gains are a direct result of this sense of community.
The over-arching goal of the CID is to create a Hwy 29 “Boulevard of Opportunity” that extends along the current Hwy 29 route from Ronald Reagan Parkway to Harmony Grove Road.
- Underground utilities
- Intersection Improvements
- Inter-parcel connections
- New and connected secondary access roads
- Streetscape (tree-lined and trees in median)
- Median with adequate turn lanes
- Mast arm lights at interchanges
- Identifying signage
The funding generated by the commercial property owners within the CID will be used for improvements in three areas:
- Inter-parcel access along Hwy 29 between Pleasant Hill Road and Jimmy Carter Blvd.
- New access roads parallel to Hwy 29 to relieve congestion
- Streetscape and landscape throughout proposed district
The Lilburn Community Improvement District millage rate is set at 5 mils. The CID contains $123 million in commercial value. This millage rate is anticipated to yield approximately $250,000 annually from the existing commercial property members.
In addition to the projects described above, funds collected via the CID are used to leverage other funds to pay for these essentials. Other important additions to the streets of Lilburn will include sidewalks, pedestrian lighting, parks and plazas and buried power lines.