2017-2026 SPLOST Projects are Great for Business

The project categories for the 2017-2026 Special Purpose Local Option Sales Tax (SPLOST) will be a boon to areas served by the CID. The one-cent sales tax approved by voters in November is projected to fund $12 million in local capital projects. The distribution for this money is strictly directed by the rules of SPLOST:
- Transportation $4.56 million
- Public Safety $6.6 million
- Parks (Town Center) $0.84 million
Transportation: These projects often require matching funds, but are currently under consideration. Construction of a 10-foot sidewalk along Highway 29 from Boston Market to Postal Way will begin soon, funded by $238,000 of current city SPLOST funds and a $700,000 transportation enhancement grant awarded to the CID.
Public Safety: For years, the City Council has considered moving the police department to a location that makes them more visible and improves response times. A year ago, the city purchased property on Highway 29 that will bring that vision closer to reality. Construction of a new police and courts complex incorporating advanced technology and security equipment will begin in 2018 and will take two years to complete. It is estimated that the building will cost about $6 million. The new building will be directly across from Our Lady of the Americas Church.
Town Center: Once the public safety building is complete, the Calvin Fitchett Administration Building will be demolished to allow views of the park and construction of a performing arts venue and community center. These improvements – along with the expansion of downtown parking – will promote continued development in the city’s Town Center. Numerous updates to the pavilions, playground and festival field will make a vibrant recreational venue to attract more patrons.